Israel Barred From International Ice Hockey Federation Events Over Security Concerns

Feb 9, 2024

ZURICH (AP) — The Global Ice Hockey Alliance has banished Israel from contending in its big showdown occasions refering to security concerns.

The IIHF said in a proclamation gave Wednesday that its decision board “has chosen to limit the Israeli Public Group from taking part in IIHF Titles until the security and prosperity of all members (counting Israeli members) can be guaranteed.”

“The IIHF Board took this choice after cautious thought and in view of a gamble evaluation, conversations with the taking part nations and conversations with the hosts.

The assertion didn’t say assuming some other nation had protested playing against Israel and made no notice of the continuous Israel-Hamas battle in Gaza. Israel will remain prohibited “for now,” the IIHF said.

The IIHF has recently utilized comparative language around wellbeing and security to help its choice last year to suspend Russia and Belarus from contest following the Russian attack of Ukraine.

The IIHF big showdowns are organized into a progression of levels and Israel’s public groups commonly play in lower-division occasions with meager groups and little media openness.

The Israeli men’s public group was because of play a Division II-A big showdown competition in Serbia in April against groups including Australia and the Unified Bedouin Emirates. The Israel ladies’ public group was planned for a Division III-B big showdown occasion in Estonia in Spring against rivals including Bosnia-Herzegovina and Indonesia.

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